【同义词辨析】 2018-03-12 结实stocky-dumpy

stocky: suggests broad compact sturdiness: a ~, powerful man.     (sturdy有2个意思 1、身体健壮结实strong, healthy, not easily damaged or injured,如a sturdy pair of boots/table一双结实的靴子/桌子,如a man of sturdy build体格健壮的男人, sturdy legs强壮有力的腿, a sturdy breed of cattle一种身体强壮的牛 2、意志坚决坚强not easily influenced or changed by other people,如a sturdily independent community顽强(坚决)保持独立的社群)

thickset: implies a thick, solid, burly body: a wrestler's ~ physique.   (burly魁梧large and strong)      如he was of middle height, thick-set他中等个头,身体壮实

thick: is more often used for body parts than of body build: ~ legs.

chunky: applies to a body type that is ample but robust and solid: a ~ fullback.       chunky和stocky完全同义,都表示高大健壮结实,chunky使用更广,如a chunky girl/book/earrings敦实的女孩/大块头的书/沉甸甸的耳饰,如she was a bit chunky as a child她小时候有点胖=somewhat fat      fullback后卫

stubby: stresses lack of height or length and real or apparent breadth: ~ fingers that seemed incapable of delicate precision.     通常形容手指,如stubby fingers又短又粗的指头

squat: is likely to suggest an unshapely lack of height: a ~ little man in rumpled clothes.   (squat 1、矮胖难看的being short and fat, usually in an unattractive way,如Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair埃迪四十多岁,矮矮胖胖的,头发日渐稀疏  2、蹲下to sit on one's heels with knees bent,如he squatted, grunting at the pain in his knees他蹲在那儿,双膝的伤痛得他直哼哼)  unshapely不匀称的畸形的不好看的not well-proportioned and pleasing in shape

dumpy: is likely to suggest short, lumpish graceless of body: an ill-fitting dress that made her look ~.     lump一块a solid piece of something, 如a lump of sugar/clay一块方糖/黏土

stocky健壮结实: 表示身体高大健壮结实, thickset健壮结实: 同上, thick结实紧实: 多指身体局部而非体质, chunky健壮结实: 同stocky和thickset, stubby短粗矮壮: 强调矮短粗壮, squat矮胖: 矮胖且不好看, dumpy矮胖: 矮胖且笨拙

记忆方法: 1) 首字母联想STTCSSD排序成TTSSDSC踏踏实实的身材<==非常结实        (compact有3个意思 1、小型袖珍smaller than other things of the same kind,如a compact camera/car/design小型(袖珍)相机/小型车/袖珍设计 2、密实夯实something is pressed and harder and fills less space,可以作形容词或动词,如compact(ed) soil/dirt/snow/disc夯实的土灰雪/CD(光碟光盘) 3、身体短小结实short but solid and strong,如a compact body身体结实,如a compactly built hockey player身体结实的曲棍球运动员;另外compact可以单用,表示1、小型车a small car 2、女式化妆盒a small flat case containing makeup for a woman's face 3、正式协议a formal agreement) firm坚硬 consolidation使坚硬 (neat整齐整洁implies clearness from dirt, clutter, or admixture不脏不乱,如neat workmanship工整的工艺,还可表示娇小玲珑,如her neat figure她那娇小玲珑的身材)


         3)结实的意思是身体健壮结实mean being or having a body that is relatively compact in form.首字母联想STTCSSD排序成TTSSDSC踏踏实实的身材<==非常结实